Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Really Quick

Looks like there isn't a lot of interest in this and that's ok. But for the one or two people who occasionally check in, just wanted to let you know I am planning to post again. We got the pictures back from Water Country but are having a horrible time getting them to upload. We have even had the CD redone at Costco and we are still having issues, but those pictures are coming.

We are back from Vegas. I really don't know how much I will post about that trip. Just let it be known we are extremely happy to be home.

Isabella had a great time in Florida. I need to find the cord for her camera so I can post all the pictures she took. So be on the look out for a post hopefully on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just saw you had a blog and wanted to comment. Hope everything is going well, and we definitely need to get together after the baby arrives!
