Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A New Tool To Keep In Touch

Welcome to the Koontz Family's new blog!

Why am I starting a blog? I am hoping it will be a good tool to keep us in touch with our family.

When Randy and I were preparing for our wedding we were amazed by the amount of family we have that we rarely see or talk to. So often we fall out of touch with family members until major holidays or major life events. I don't want it to be that way. But let's be honest, who has the time to write letters, make play dates, get together for lunch, etc with everyone on a monthly basis?

While we may not be able to get together with everyone, I am hoping with the Internet I can let our family know what we are up to. And maybe we can hear more about what is going on in their lives too. I know this is not the perfect solution to being a closer family, but I hope it is a first step!

So welcome to our blog. I hope you like it and I hope we will hear from all of you!

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