Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What a Week

This week has kept us extremely busy!

Randy and I slept in Sunday since we didn't get home until 2:30 in the morning from the Dave Matthews concert. It was nice to be able to sleep until ten without having a perky four-year-old come in singing "Rise and shine and give God the 'lory, 'lory" at the top of her lungs. Slowly but surely we got up and moving. We headed over to Dona's that afternoon to get Isabella. Here I was thinking she would be so excited to see us. No way! Randy's step-brother, Brian, had come to drop off his daughter, Jordan, for the week. Isabella was in heaven. She was having a blast! We couldn't convince her to leave with us or anything. So Isabella stayed the night again with Dona and Jordan! I was shocked! Randy and I made the best of a surprise evening alone and went to see Julie & Julia. (It was between that and G.I. Joe.) We both enjoyed it for the most part. It was cute and funny, the ending was a bit of a let down though.

Monday Isabella got to spend the day with Dona and Jordan. The girls rode their scooters in the driveway in the morning and headed to the pool that afternoon. Isabella finally came home just before seven. Even then she wanted to go back to Dona's so she could stay with Jordan again. We were surprised since two weeks ago we had to go back to Dona's to get Isabella because she refused to stay the night! But, she stayed home with us that evening. She had dinner, we read a story, and then off to bed.

Tuesday Isabella spent the day with Nana. The weather was miserable so they mostly hung out at the house and played. When it was time to leave Nana's she was a little reluctant until I reminded her that Dona and Jordan were coming to pick her up for another sleep-over. We went to the grocery store on the way home and then got home to pack her "suitcase," it is really a cooler on wheels but she loves it. She was on her way by 7:15 to Dona's. The girls were already talking about all they had planned. I was excited thinking Randy and I would get a nice evening together. It was not to be. Randy was out cold on the couch by 7:30, not be awoken for anything. I watched the rest of a movie I had DVRed, Nim's Island. It was cute and I saved it to watch with Isabella later. Then I got everything prepared for the roast I was going to make for dinner Wednesday. I also chopped all kind of salad fixings so I could throw them together in the morning easily. I forced Randy to get up and go to bed around 9 and then I stayed up and read some of my latest book, City of Glass, a teenage vampire/magic-type creatures book. It is the third in the series and I have enjoyed reading it. My friend, Kelly, loaned them too me after she heard about them on Stephanie Meyer's website. Then I was in bed by 10. So sad, but it did feel great to get seven hours of sleep for a change.

Wednesday Isabella had an awesome day. She hung out with Jordan and Dona in the morning, then she spent the afternoon at Inflation Nation with Jordan and Kat! Inflation Nation is a warehouse full of those inflatable jumping things. The girls had a great time! I wish I had been there to take pictures. Isabella and Jordan even wore their matching outfits. Jordan and Dona came to our house for dinner and the girls got to play afterwards for a while. Then it was off to bed for all of us.

Yesterday was another big day for two of our family members. First, Mema (my maternal grandmother) had her last Lymphedema treatment at the hospital! Woo hoo! She has been going three times a week for several weeks now. They have reduced the swelling in her legs and her hose have arrived. Hooray!
Isabella and I had a big night last night too. Isabella finally had her first hair cut last night! Yes, I know she is four-years-old, but she has never had a pair of scissor touch her hair. When your child is still practically bald at two you don't rush to cut off her hair. We tried to have her hair cut a couple of months ago but she freaked out and we left without having it done. Last night was a success, partly because I bribed her with a Kit Kat if she did a good job and threatened to take away our Water Country trip on Saturday if she threw a fit. We are so lucky that one of Isabella's preschool teachers from last year is a hairstylist, so we went down to Chester to Les and Company to see Ms. Rhonda. To prove that the process was no big deal I got my hair "trimmed" first. (We could not call this a hair cut because that meant she would lose too much of her hair.) So I had my hair "trimmed and shaped." Basically I really had mine cut. It was time for a new style for me. Isabella documented the process with the camera. Then it was Isabella's turn. After a second of fearful glances she climbed up in the chair and did great! Ms. Rhonda just got it evened up and it looks so much thicker. Ms. Rhonda then put it up for her and Isabella was thrilled. She was so excited when she looked at us and said, "It didn't hurt at all!" We had tried of assure her this for months, but obviously she didn't believe us. When we left the shop Isabella turned to me and said, "I want to come back and do that again!" Thank goodness! Now we will have Girls Night to get our hair done. Here are a couple of pictures from last night. Sorry there are no pics of my new hair cut, but maybe after this weekend.

We will be busy this weekend as well. Tonight Isabella is having her 4 year old birthday pictures taken. Late I know, but I told her she had to have her hair cut first. Then tomorrow she and I are heading to Water Country for the day while Daddy is at work. If I remember to take the water camera Randy and I bought in Hawaii I will have some pictures from that eventually. Then Sunday is Isabella's best friend, Benjamin's, birthday party. For those who don't know Benjamin is the youngest son of one of my oldest friends, Nathan Kaylor. Just for fun I will post a couple of my favorite pictures of Isabella and Benjamin together at the end of this post, just so you can see how cute they are.

Have a great weekend everyone! I will have another update next week. (And a Hawaii recap soon as well.) TTFN- ta ta for now!


  1. Blog is a great idea. I'm set up to follow it automatically which works well for keeping up.
    Tell Isabella i'm proud of her getting a "trim". Can't wait to see them.
